Saturday, May 31, 2008

Big tour news, for you and your kids

This is big. Although painfully corporate, the Disney Music Block Party Tour is coming to Merriweather (and a town near you) this summer. And yes, it's the Lolla of tours for kids - Dan Zanes, Ralph's World and TMBG all on one bill! And my friend Mike will be happy to hear that Choo Choo Soul is on ticket as well.

Of course its a Tuesday and a Wednesday during the week - so insanely, you'd have to take off to see this show, or see them in Philly that weekend but miss TMBG. Tough calls. Of course at $36 a pop for all but your 2 year olds, it's a bit steep. But I think I'd have more fun here than at this year's sweat and dirt covered V-Festival.

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